Pain Management Compounding

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  • Every individual is unique, and the types of pain experienced can be equally unique. By working with a compounding pharmacist, your healthcare provider can prescribe treatments tailored to your specific pain management needs. These dosage forms can bypass the gastrointestinal tract, providing results without GI irritation. This also helps with patients who have a hard time swallowing pills, removing another source of aggravation. Pain medications often can be compounded as a topical product that can be applied directly to the site of the pain and absorbed through the skin. Some chronic pain sufferers are placed on multiple medications; these products can be combined into a single dose, providing greater convenience for the patient. Because patients and pain tolerance vary, commercially available medications sometimes may not provide the appropriate dosage strength. Through compounding, a healthcare provider and pharmacist can customize the dosage to meet the exact needs of an individual. Pain can be debilitating, whether it’s muscle pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, or nerve pain. Compounding may help to improve relief with potentially fewer side effects and less overall medication.